Getting Started

To first set up your CarlSite you’ll need to review the CarlSite website policies and then file this website request form. Note that you will need to sign in with your Carleton credentials in order to fill out the form.


While working on your CarlSite feel free to check out the IdeaLab which contains an assortment of high end computers with pre-installed programs, such as Adobe Suite, that can prove useful in constructing the design of your CarlSite.


You now have a site, but it’s currently a blank slate with no content. There’s a wide range of options that you can take when deciding what your CarlSite will present, one such recommendation can be an ePortfolio, a digital showcase of your interests, projects, and academic achievements.


Sometimes, the limitations of written text can feel like a setback when creating content for your site. Therefore, using tools like Panopto can prove beneficial by

  • Adding an audible and visual dimension to your content
  • Capturing Lectures
  • Uploading Presentations and various other educational materials

It offers a quick and straightforward way to create and share videos without the complexity of more advanced video editing platforms. These videos can then be seamlessly embedded into your CarlSite.

LinkedIn Learning

It’s one thing to know what you want on your site, but it’s another to be able to bring those ideas to life. Benefits of LinkedIn Learning:

  • It gives you the ability to to acquire both soft & technical skills
  • It provides you with educational material in areas of interest
  • It is offered to students and faculty alike at no charge

Sunsetting Your CarlSite

When setting up your CarlSite you should eventually start thinking about its lifespan. CarlSites are hosted on our platform for as long as you are at Carleton, as such, you will eventually need to think about what will happen to it when you leave. Options for your site include

  • Migrating it
  • Passing it on to someone else
  • Archiving it
  • Permanently deleting it

Knowledge Base

In addition to the many resources found out on the web for website building, our Knowledge Base also provides a fine tuned approach toward helping you create your CarlSite, so feel free to check it out. We have articles on getting started with your CarlSite, WordPress, understanding your cPanel, and much more.

You have the ideas, and you have the technical skills, but let’s say that you’re still having trouble. Creating a CarlSite can sometimes prove to be difficult. If you require additional support please submit a website issue form. To do so, click on “Report Issue” found in “Service Catalog/Report an Issue/Website Issue.” This will allow for you to seek technical support for your CarlSite.

Need Assistance?


Facts & Questions

As a student, for how long do I get to keep my site?

Your site will be hosted for up to two years after your departure from Carleton College, after which the content will be deleted.

As a faculty & staff member, for how long do I get to keep my site?

Your site will be hosted until your last day of employment, after which the content will be deleted.

How many domains may I request for?

This is dependent on your need. Your website request form will help determine what you may be eligible for.

Is there a limit to the storage space for my site?

No specific limit exists for the storage space allocated to your site. That being said, irresponsible file management is against our general use policy, so it is advisable not to exceed reasonable usage. Please review our acceptable use policies for more information.

What happens if I forget my domain password or login details?

If you forget your contact details please either report an issue ticket, or contact

Can I collaborate with others on my site?

Yes, you can add them into the user section of your site. Additionally, you can add collaborators outside of Carleton into your site, but be aware that they must abide by the same acceptable use policies.

Can I use my site for e-commerce, or selling products/services?

No. Please review our acceptable use policies.

What if I have additional questions or concerns?

Please either report an issue ticket, or contact